We are currently running three programs on the website :
The lion program; A self discovery journey into childhood trauma. Have you ever wondered why you feel the way you do, why you act the way you do. The program dives into the trauma behaviour and seeks to find solutions in our cognitive pathways. Learn new coping skills, breathing skills and much more. The lion program is a free 6 week online course, all our lion coaches have already made the journey to trauma recovery and are here to support you on yours..
Train with us: Is a workshop for anyone wishing to train in the lion theory tool. learn all about our latest research and what makes the lion theory project unique. Each student taking part will receive a copy of the research behind the Lion program.
Science explained: is for all you science geeks out there, learn the science behind the theory. As our science explained takes you on a journey of discovery. looking at the work of many great minds from all around the world. Each student taking part will receive a copy of the science paper behind the Lion theory.